<!ENTITY options.smoothness.tt "Ilość tyknięć potrzebnych do przewinięcia elementu. Im większa, tym płynniejsze przewijanie.">
<!ENTITY options.updateInterval.tt "Ilość minut pomiedzy odświeżeniami kanałow.">
<!ENTITY howToSubscribe1 "RSS Ticker loads and scrolls the items from your Live Bookmarks (a.k.a. newsfeeds or RSS feeds), but you haven't subscribed to any Live Bookmarks. Need some help? Subscribing to a feed is easy:">
<!ENTITY howToSubscribe2 "If the page you are looking at in your browser offers an RSS feed (www.mozilla.org, for example), there will be a small orange or blue icon on the right side of the address bar, next to the star used for bookmarking. If you click on that icon, it will open the 'Add Live Bookmark' dialog.">
<!ENTITY howToSubscribe3 "Click Subscribe Now, and RSS Ticker will instantly begin scrolling the items from that feed.">
<!ENTITY closeNoFeedsPage "Close this page">
<!ENTITY dontShowAgain "Nie pokazuj ponownie tej wiadomości.">
<!ENTITY feed "Feed">
<!ENTITY feeds "Feeds">
<!ENTITY feedManagement "You can add or remove feeds from the ticker by selecting them in the list below and pressing either the Add or Remove button. Note: To actually subscribe to a feed, use Firefox's Live Bookmarks. This list only allows you to set which of your Live Bookmarks appear in the ticker; it doesn't allow you to subscribe to a new feed.">
<!ENTITY add "Add">
<!ENTITY remove "Remove">
<!ENTITY hideWhenEmpty "Hide Ticker When Empty">
<!ENTITY trendsTitle "Real-time Web Trends">
<!ENTITY trendsP1 "RSS Ticker wants to know if you'd like to subscribe to a feed of the latest trending search terms on Twitter, Digg, and the rest of the social Web.">
<!ENTITY trendsP2 "Click OK to subscribe to the feed; it will automatically appear in the ticker, keeping you up-to-date on the latest news and trends from around the Web. (You can unsubscribe at any time.)">
<!ENTITY trendsP3 "Don't worry, you won't be asked again if you choose not to subscribe.">
<!ENTITY every10Minutes "Every 10 minutes">
<!ENTITY oncePerDay "Once per day">
<!ENTITY faster "Faster">
<!ENTITY slower "Slower">
<!ENTITY smoother "Smoother (More CPU)">
<!ENTITY choppier "Choppier (Less CPU)">
<!ENTITY checkbox_understand "Yes, I want to subscribe to a feed of trending social topics.">